Winning record
These are just a few of the many allegations and cases Theresa Ristenpart has succssfully defended and won over the past fifteen years.
To respect client's privacy, initials may be used.
Recent Wins
State V. Wayne Burgarello
Murder in the first degree with the use of a deadly weapon, attempted murder with the use of a deadly weapon.
Acquitted all charges.
Drug users broke into client's vacant rental property. Client was called by a neighbor about unusual activity at the home. Client armed himself before entering the home, calling out numerous times that he was the homeowner and, if anyone was in there they needed to leave. Upon opening the back door to a dark bedroom, client encountered the two trespassers, one raised his arm and pointed a black object straight at client. Client fired in self-defense killing one and injuring the other. Jury found client not guilty on all counts.

“Theresa and her assistant are so professional and kind. Not only did she keep me up to date on everything but she was very kind and helpful with all the questions I had. It was genuinely the most non stressful experience I have ever had with a lawyer. 10/10 recommend, she is the best!”
U.S. Government V. Aramis Moore
Accused of being an ex-felon in possession of a firearm.
Motion to suppress won and all charges dismissed.
Client was accused of being an ex-felon in possession of a firearm. The federal government argued that client was “in possession” despite the gun being found a block away in a hotel room not associated with client. Defense argued that the police violated client’s constitutional rights and won at a pre-trial motion hearing, securing client’s release from custody and all charges being dismissed against him.
State V. Sandy S.
Arrested for allegation of domestic battery with substantial bodily harm. All charges dismissed.
Client arrested for allegation of domestic battery with substantial bodily harm. After defense investigation, learned that client stabbed in self-defense. Demanded officers’ body cameras which showed that officers also believed the stabbing to have been committed in self-defense. Prosecutor dismissed all charges.
Attempted sexual assault.
Not guilty all charges.
Client had a consensual sexual encounter. The alleged victim later claimed that she did not consent. Defense investigation uncovered that she had a significant psychological impairment and motive to lie about the nature of the encounter. Jury acquitted client of all charges.

“Theresa offered a true human element to my case and offered compassion and understanding to my situation. Once I retained Risenpart law I instantly felt I had an advocate and a voice that I previously could not find in Nevada.”
Child abuse — Not guilty all charges
Client was falsely accused. Jury took less than twenty minutes to find client innocent of claims.
U.S. GOVERNMENT V. $100,000.00
Asset Forfeiture
Federal agents stopped client claiming he swerved over the white line once. Agents seized the client's money while falsely claiming that they suspected the money was connected to drugs even though there was no evidence of drugs. After a long fight, the government was forced the entire $100,000 plus pay the client interest.
Sexual assault with a minor and lewdness with a minor.
Charges dismissed with prejudice.
Client was falsely accused by a child in his neighborhood. Defense team discovered multiple other incidents where the child lied. Prosecutor dismissed the charges.

“Theresa knew exactly what to do from the beginning and was not going to be bullied into anything. We even had a family retired cop on the conference calls and he was impressed and said we made a great choice.”
Sexual assault. Dismissed with prejudice.
Defense team investigation discovered alleged victim lied about numerous aspects of her story resulting in the district attorney dismissing the entire case.
Domestic battery. Charge dismissed with prejudice.
During divorce proceedings, client's wife falsely alleged he had grabbed her wrist. Once defense pointed out the inconsistencies in her stories and her overall plan to use the arrest in order to get the family home, the prosecutor was forced to dismiss the case.
Embezzlement. Charges dismissed.
Client was accused of taking money from employer. After carefully examining the paper trail, it turned out that the prosecutor could never prove the allegation.