Criminal Record Sealing
Do not let a mistake in the past hurt your future
Criminal Record Sealing
Sealing your criminal history will ensure that people do not see what happened in your past. Hire the best defense team at Ristenpart Law to help you through the process.
What is Criminal Record Sealing?
In Nevada, a person can petition the court to seal their criminal record, thereby making it invisible to background searches as it is deemed ‘to have never occurred.’ Whether it is an arrest, a charge that was dismissed, or a conviction, all of these encounters with law enforcement will remain forever on your Nevada State and F.B.I. criminal histories unless you seal your records.
A record sealing is when a court orders that a person's criminal records are removed from government and law enforcement databases, as well as, any other agencies involved in the arrest and the Court itself. All evidence of the arrest, case and/or conviction will be erased from your background. You will be legally entitled to answer that you have never been arrested or convicted, pursuant to N.R.S. 179.285.
When we seal your criminal record, it is deemed to have never occurred. You will never have to disclose that you have ever been arrested or convicted to anyone again. Your background checks will be clean. You can even deny having a criminal record or ever being arrested while you are under oath. Getting a record sealed restores a person's rights to vote, serve on a jury or hold office in Nevada.
What about gun rights?
For restoration of gun rights, you would need to apply for a pardon. We have successfully obtained community pardons restoring gun rights, while sealing their record at the same time. A pardon does not remove the conviction from one’s record; however, one can both seal their record and apply for a pardon to restore gun rights.
When can I petition to seal my record?
Most convictions in Nevada can be sealed, but you must wait the specified amount of time after the case has closed before petitioning to seal. A case is considered "closed" in Nevada when the defendant has completed all terms of the sentence. This includes paying all fines, completing any required classes, serving jail time, and/or completing probation.
Timeline for sealing eligibility
(based on time from the time of close of case)
Arrest with no conviction, Dismissed charges, or Acquittal
1 year
Gross Misdemeanor
2 years
Misdemeanor DUI and Domestic Battery
7 years
Category E
Category B, C, and D
Category A
2 years
5 years
10 years
Some convictions like crimes against a child or felony DUI are never able to be sealed. You must first check with an attorney as to whether your conviction is able to be sealed and what waiting time applies to your case(s).
Sealing a record is a complex multi-step process which is best done with the assistance of an experienced attorney. We offer reasonable and bundled rates for multiple arrests, and monthly payment plans. Contact us today to see how we can ensure your past stays in the past.

“Ristenpart Law made the sealing process simple. My records were ordered sealed within three weeks. The process to get the different agencies to seal their records took a few months. The best is that I never again had to explain to a new boss the stupid things I did when I was younger.”