Criminal Defense
Keys to a successful defense
Having a criminal accusation alleged against you is a terrifying experience. You know that you need an attorney, but how do you know what makes a criminal defense attorney excellent and successful at defending you? We do.
Nothing is worse after that initial click of the handcuffs than being kept in the dark about the status of your case. An excellent criminal defense attorney will be in constant communication with you about your case. We are available 24/7 by email, phone, and text.
Knowledge and Experience
An excellent criminal defense attorney will be experienced and knowledgeable about your options and not be afraid to fight during negotiations and trial. We have over 16 years of experience in criminal defense and have a proven track record for winning.
Additionally, we want you to be as fully informed as we are about your case and legal procedures. We take the time to explain the legal process (state and federal), trial procedures, rules of evidence, and general questions as how to appear your best in front of the judge and jury.
To successfully litigate in the criminal justice system, an excellent attorney must be prepared for all possibilities and have planned theories to counter any alleged evidence against you. Most attorneys rely solely upon the evidence presented by the police and tell you it is best to "take a deal." Before even weighing a possible plea offer presented, we will have interviewed potential witnesses and conducted our own investigation into the allegations.
We are creative and fearless litigators. We incorporate the newest and best technology into motion and trial proceedings. We will strategize defenses with you. We will keep you fully informed about what is going on with your case and the alleged evidence.

“This was a very tough case and Ms. Ristenpart delivered the facts clearly and most importantly in a way that we, the jurors, could understand. There is no doubt that she was passionate about her case and truly cared about her client.”